That’s a Wrap! Rethinking the Workplace to Earn the Commute Event
In early November, Ohio Desk, in conjunction with our partner, Steelcase welcomed over 100 customers, real estate and architectural and…
In early November, Ohio Desk, in conjunction with our partner, Steelcase welcomed over 100 customers, real estate and architectural and…
Designing, planning, and purchasing furniture can be a big process. Here are 4 things to keep in mind when purchasing office furniture.
Technology is changing the way we live our lives, connect with people, and particularly changing the way we work. Old workplace practices that were before the most effective option to get things done are now on their way out. See which practices are out of date, why they are holding back businesses, decreasing productivity among employees, and where you can improve your own workplace practices.
Wellness within a workplace is defined by a state of health and good measures that are actively measured and pursued. We can safely say that this viewpoint is often overlooked for many leaders, teams, and workplaces. Here are 5 tips you can implement that will boost your workplace wellbeing.
Get Fit with Ohio Desk. The following exercises will help you maintain your personal health without having to leave your workplace.
Learning how to be productive and interact with others is important in the work environment. A good resource, with great tips, are TED Talks.
Although there will always be a certain amount of workplace stress, too much of it can affect your physical, mental and emotional health.
The Privacy Crisis: Here is how you can create an open office concept while also maintaining and promoting employee’s privacy.
Tips to show you how to increase employee engagement within the workplace. Engaged employees can increase customer satisfaction and grow your sales.